📩Ticket System

How to setup the ticket-system

  • Run the command "/tpanel setup [name] [emoji] [colour] [role]"

Command Usage

[name] - The name of the ticket category button

[emoji] - The emoji of the ticket category button

[colour] - The colour of the ticket category button

[role] - The first role that can access the tickets in this ticket category

How to edit the ticketpanel

  • Run the command "/tpanel edit"

How to add/remove categories

  • Run the command "/tpanel add-category [name] [emoji] [colour] [role]"

  • Run the command "/tpanel remove-category [name] [edit]"

Command Usage


[name] - The name of the ticket category button

[emoji] - The emoji of the ticket category button

[colour] - The colour of the ticket category button

[role] - The first role that can access the tickets in this ticket category


[name] - The name of the ticket category

[edit] - Whether to edit the ticket panel embed or not

How to add/remove a supporter role to a category

  • Run the command "/tpanel add-role [name] [role]"

  • Run the command "/tpanel remove-role [name] [role]"

Command Usage


[name] - The name of the ticket category

[role] - The role to add to the ticket category


[name] - The name of the ticket category

[role] - The role to remove from the ticket category

How to remove the ticket system

  • Run the command "/tpanel reset"

This will reset the ticket system.

All categories and the ticket panel embed will deleted.

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Last updated