🤝Member Backup

How to setup the Member-Backup-System:

Required Commands:

  • /verification oauth2 - Add an OAuth2 verification system

  • /backup restore-members - Restore verified members to the server

Setup the verification system (OAuth2)

• Run the "/verification oauth2 [role] [channel] [logs] [block] [emoji] [text]"-command

[role] - The role to give to the user when they verify

[channel] - The channel to send the verification message in

[logs] - The channel to send the logs in

[block] - Whether to block users who use a VPN, proxy, or TOR

[emoji] - The emoji for the button

[text] - The text for the button

To restore your verified members, follow the steps below:

Only members who used the verification system will restored to your new server!

If you lose access to your bot, you also lose access to your backed up members.

  • Run the command "/backup restore-members [role]" - This will restore your verified members to your new server

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Last updated